Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wildlife Conservation... Does One Size Fit All?

Russ talks with Leon a local wildlife advocate

YBK the bird that wouldn't leave (Whole story coming soon)
After touring just four wildlife protection sites we've had our eyes opened and our hearts touched. You can't help but admire Libby who knows and loves her black eagles. All you can do is stand back in wonder when you see all that Roz has got in place in just two years. A chuckle and a smile can't be stopped as exuberant Jan tells her stories about saving abandoned baby vervet monkeys. And you'd think they had a team of 20 when you learn all Ben and Shannon do to save the raptors.

Working toward release. Buck babies whose mothers were hit by a car.
But, does one way of wildlife conservation fit all?

Protecting, saving, preserving, conserving, rescuing, rehabilitating may all be what each is doing, however, where the divergence occurs is in how it's done and their basic philosophies about wildlife conservation.
Margrit and Libby with the Black Eagle Project
What a delightful woman! Jan and one of 'her' monkeys
Some conservation programs involve volunteers and others to feed, handle and nurture the injured young buck or bird back to full health, making it a community affair, sensitizing both young and old to wildlife and it's importance in their area. Others keep their wild animals and birds far from the public, providing very private rehab pens to keep them wild and afraid of humans. Then of course there are those who walk a tough line somewhere between the two.

Is there a right or a wrong? There are strong opinions at both extremes.

What do you think? We have many more to talk to so let's see what else we find out shall we?
Ben shows Margrit how this kites wing is pinned to help it heal properly

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