Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving... No Matter Where in the World You Are

In the mid '70s when I moved to the USA I was introduced to Thanksgiving.  Although it took me years to like yams smoothered with melted marshmellows I quickly embraced taking time out to give thanks.

Now as I pause I'm so grateful for:
  • A God in Heaven (helps me make sense of things when nothing makes sense at all.)
  • The beauties of creation (look at that bird and the giraffe she's de-bugging!)
  • Fresh air to breathe (spent time in Manilla, Philippines where I nearly died.)
  • A loyal companion (been together over 35 years... and counting.)
  • Three amazing kids (that's really six now... those they love have become "mine" too.)
  • Five ever-changing and growing grandkids (love being Lola... enjoy 'em, then give 'em back.)
  • The dedicated wildlife conservationists (many I'm privileged to call friends.)
  • The many who in small and big ways are helping Nikela emerge (I'll forget someone if I start naming.)
The list goes on... and my heart keeps expanding with gratitude.
God bless and thank you for your part in making this world a better place for all.

Monday, November 22, 2010

NikelaWildlife Videos are Happening

Thousands of photos!  Hundreds of videos!  Sifting thru music clips, sorting, shifting and editing and voila Sand has created a NikelaWildlife video.

Here is a sampling of many more to come:

"Keep 'em Barking?" Who's barking?

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