AAAAAArrrrrrrrrgggggggggg! There! Now I feel better.
Talk about frustrations! If it's not my software crashing it's internet access slowing. If it's not hold ups with the website it's merchant services glitches. And all I want to do is help people like Michele and Ian, Will and his dedicated team, Shannon and Ben, Karin, and... so they can do their small part in saving and protecting the wildlife we all love.
In the meantime I hear that more rhinos have been lost to horn slashing poachers. That the the king of beasts, the lion is on a fast track toward extinction. Ironic, just as the new Narnia movie with posters of Aslan are seen everywhere, while most of us are oblivious to the real lion's plight.
Okay... I got a grip!
"Start Where You Are... Use What You Have... Do What You Can."
This advice from Pat Williams and Jay Strack in their book "Shamgar" has saved my life many a time. Life is good.
Start where you are: Have great wildlife experts with amazing projects to support. Have people like you sending us good vibes (and money.) Got the website almost finished. Got Noah from DonationPay getting our donation system in place. Have Russ working feverishly along side of me. Have Michael shooting our Twitter following way past 2,500. Have Sand creating the best videos. Got my cat Weasel at my feet.
There... I'm off to 'use what I have' to 'do what I can' and write up some more PROJECTS to include on the website.