Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Year’s Resolutions… Revolutions?

Have you set your New Years resolutions yet? Or have they fallen by the wayside before January is over as mine so often do?
In my experience when making real changes in my own life it requires a REVOLUTION not merely a resolution. What? A “resolution” is a degree, declaration, promise, or pledge to do something. While a “revolution” is a rebellion, revolt, mutiny, or riot.

While going to grad school I learned that social change happens in several ways, it can happen fast or gradually. In the western world change is general quite gradual as it is brought about by peaceful, mostly democratic means using resolutions. Radical or almost immediate change on the other hand requires a revolution.

For most of us the word “revolution” has real negative implications. It’s associated with conflict, war, bloodshed and misery. On a personal level it may imply a cleansing of the body, a 360 change in attitude or behavior, or a dramatic spiritual renewal.

This year I’ve made New Year’s Revolutions. For I have found this to be essential if I am to be the person NIKELA needs to assure her success, and failure is not an option.

Please visit our website at

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Where Exactly Does Your Donation Go?

"So how do you get paid?" asked a new friend this last weekend.
With 100% of your donation going to the project and expert of your choice that is a very valid question.  As a public charity we're not a private foundation with a huge pile of money from some money tree.

A public charity is a community effort and relies primarily on the support of people like you.  However, as this image of our DONATION page shows it clearly indicates that 100% of your donation goes to your project.

Of course, it gives you the option to donate separately to the Nikela Operations Fund if you want to assist with administrative costs, website maintenance, not to mention keep gas in our old Explorer.

If you haven't already found a project to support visit the website today at
Giving what you can to the Nikela Operations Fund will also be greatly appreciated.