Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Thank You to All Humans who...

Rose just grabbed on and made it happen!
The last couple of days I've read many a heart breaking story about poaching, gas chambers and other animal abuses.  However, in the midst of all this there are people standing up, signing petitions, challenging politicians, even go to to toe with poachers... and I felt grateful.

This brief video is a small attempt to be the voice of those you work hard to protect.  Enjoy!  Oh yes, and do share it with others who work as hard as you at saving the animals... the wild and the domestic.

For the love of wildlife and wild animals.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Give a Gift and Save a Leopard

If you're like me, you enjoy giving a gift that lasts longer than till the batteries wear out!
This year you'll be remembered for giving a most unusual gift...
...access to track one of the few remaining free roaming leopards of Africa.

Today virtual games and animated movies throw us into a surreal world, not this.  You and your friend can see the daily movements of Grace, Bo or Lucky, as they hunt and where they sleep.  Not only that you'll get photo updates and stories from the researches.

Yes, I haven't told you, this leopard tracking is all part of a landmark wildlife conservation study to determine the true status of the African leopard.  Some think they're on the brink of the endangered species list and need special protection.  This research will help us know for sure.  How tragic it would be if we allowed the existence of this beautiful animal to slip thru our fingers!

If you're the least bit intriqued read more about the project and how for as little as $25 (or less if you must) you can participate and help.