The Solution

Nikela is a global network of wildlife lovers funding private advocate and conservation efforts in South Africa.

Nikela’s vision is very simple and straightforward. It is a world of compassionate people protecting their wildlife.

To accomplish this Nikela’s mission is to assist local private conservation efforts expand their reach to:

1. Create wildlife advocates of local adults, youth and children so they take great pride in the treasure they are entrusted to protect and preserve.

2. Support local conservation efforts to protect endangered wildlife and it’s habitat to stem the tide towards extinction.
To do this Nikela provides a safe vehicle to connect ordinary people (in the USA and around the world) who love wildlife (GIVERS) with experienced wildlife professionals who operate qualified private conservation organizations (RECEIVERS) in South Africa, expanding as determined feasible to other areas of need around the world.

Nikela’s objective is to secure government grants and philanthropic donations, however, the primary funding is projected to come from small monthly donations from everyday people GIVERS, like you, giving as little as $7.00.

Nikela qualifies conservation efforts and certifies eligible projects. Nikela connects these organizations to GIVERS (both large and small), providing them with a diversity of qualified (screened, evaluated and monitored) RECEIVERS Nikela is accountable for assuring that RECEIVERS use their funds appropriately and effectively for expanding and growing wildlife advocacy and conservation.

Nikela is responsible for creating and sustaining the web based vehicle through which GIVERS (from anywhere in the world) fund RECEIVERS in South Africa (expanding to other areas of need as deemed feasible.)